Wednesday, November 14, 2012


This week has been really exciting, because I'm beginning to see some ends tying together in my healing journey. God's spoken many words of comfort, wisdom, and strength into me recently that I am confident are preparing me for my childbirth experience. I am so thankful for His presence in all of this.

The word says "Even though I walk through the valley of death".

It doesn't say "You take me around the valley of death." "You carry me over the valley of death", etc. This world - The pain, the heartache - The valley of death - He allows us to walk through it...And while I can't tell you why, I can tell you this: You are not alone...

Psalms 23:4 "Even though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; Your rod and your staff, they comfort me."
Romans 8:31 "What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, then who can be against us?"
Romans 8:38 "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to seperate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

When I was being abused, when I was getting my c-section, when I was convinced that my marriage was over...Every single awful, painful time of my life when I thought that God had abandon me...He was there. He was there, hurting with me. He was there, reaching out to me, wanting so badly to comfort me. It took me years to accept that comfort. And the journey still isn't always easy. There is so much sin, so much doubt, so much pain that keeps us from accepting the full love of Jesus. But He died, and moreso, He rose again - So that we can receive His love, grace, mercy, and comfort. And He is right here, with us, reaching out.

Satan is a liar, he's an accuser, and he is wrong. He's telling you, like he's told me time & time again, that God has abandon you. He's convincing you that God doesn't exist (If he did, why would he "let" you feel all this pain?). He's telling you that you are worthless, that God just doesn't love you the way he loves others. Your sin is too great. Your doubt is too unforgivable.
Satan. Is. A. Liar.

Don't let him win your heart. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, we are all free...We are all loved and comforted by the rod and staff of The Lord, even though we walk through the valley of death. All we have to do is accept that, and tell satan to beat it! He is not welcome!

God is so loving and good, and I am so thankful for His peace and comfort. I can't always find the words to describe it, but I urge you - Give Him a chance. Once you get even a small taste of the love and grace of God, I promise you'll never regret it. Let Him in, let Him help. He is with you.

XOXO -Meghan.

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