Sunday, August 19, 2012

It Is Finished!

It happened..In God's time, not mine! I received "faith to walk on ocean's deep"...A revelation that It has already been Finished for me! There is nothing left for me to do in order to receive healing, or faith, or happiness...because Jesus already did it all on the cross! All I had to do was accept it!

We make things so much more difficult than they need to be, don't we? Us humans just think we are so complicated...when in reality, we are quite simple - in comparison to the great vastness of GOD, we are tiny! And He has made available to us all forgiveness and grace! Hallelujah!! <3

I am so grateful for God' presence in my life...and even more thankful for the price He paid for me on Calvary! I know that hardships will come, that satan will fight my faith, test it and try it, and that I will have hard times in this life. But I will always have God - who is the same today, yesterday, and forever - to return to. He is so good and faithful! And if I approach childbirth with this type of faith - this type of trust - then I know He will not fail me. No matter the outcome of my VBAC experience, I know that ALL things come together for the GOOD of those who Love Him!

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