Monday, November 19, 2012

32 week checkup

Every doctors appointment leaves me feeling more encouraged, more at peace, and more thankful for where God has lead me for OBGYN care. I read so many horror stories online of women who are left with lack of support, lack of proper healthcare, and lack of confidence because of their unsupportive OBs...and I am so thankful to not be one of those women!
My doctor has been so wonderfully encouraging and I just know that God will place the right people in my labor and delivery experience. He is faithful!

Today I'm measuring right on, baby is head-down. CS Scar looks normal, heartbeat is great. Blood pressure was perfect and Im feeling so confident! He did talk about scheduling my c-section "just in case", but he is allowing me to put it off a bit and decide for myself when I'm comfortable to do it. Right now I'm not even thinking that far ahead, so I haven't set the date yet.

I also found out that I can birth in the birthing tub, if it's available when I go in.
I don't need continuous monitoring unless something seems wrong, but I will need a heplock, which is fine.

I can come in whenever I feel like it once labor has begun...They are really leaving it all up to me and allowing me to trust in my own body and decide for myself what my experience is like. It's such a blessing!

God just continues to prove Himself faithful in my life.
For now, I am just relaxing and enjoying pregnancy - Enjoying a week-long vacation with the hubby for Thanksgiving - And playing our new WiiU :-)
I'll continue praying daily, constantly, that God will bring healing, peace, comfort, and joy in my life - That His will would be accomplished through our family - That He would be glorified in my birthing experience.

I know that His plans for me are wonderful. <3

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