Thursday, December 27, 2012

38 weeks

1 Cm dialated, 50% Effaced. Beginning to feel slightly impatient but not overly - Very anxious and excited. Feeling good overall and content. Hoping to be writing out my birth story here for you all very soon!!!

Had a wonderful Christmas with the husband's family - We are so blessed and thankful for the people in our lives. Support and love makes such a difference during pregnancy!!!

God bless <3

Saturday, December 15, 2012


This date has become one that we Americans won't soon forget.
My thoughts, my prayers, and my broken heart goes out to all of the victims, their families, the survivors, and the community. So many lives were destroyed, broken, changed, and affected. I also am praying for God's mercy as the man who did this stands before His judgement seat. His soul was clearly broken, something was clearly wrong, and only God knows. There is so much pain and suffering in this world.

In my home, we are affected as well. We are hugging our daughter tighter, enjoying this pregnancy more, and cherishing our time together. This life is so very, very short.

Friday, November 30, 2012


After a few long, exhausting days of feeling very detached from God - these words seemed to jump off of the page and into my soul this afternoon...

Joshua 18:3
"How long will you wait before you begin to take possession of the land that Yhwh, the God of your fathers, has given you?"
It was as if God was asking me directly, "What are you waiting for?". Why haven't I taken claim to the childbirth that He has promised me? Why do I still worry, still wonder, still doubt? My faith is still so weak! I live my life as though I don't REALLY believe that God is big enough, or good enough, or loving enough to give me the desires of my heart. And He is asking me...How long will you wait? I'm only torturing myself - Just as the Israelites were doing. Rather than entering the promised land and enjoying the benefits of God's promise, they allowed themselves to get comfortable in a less-than-desireable place. They doubted that God could possibly have anything better for them, even though He had already promised it to them. By not accepting the promise and letting go of my doubts and fears, I am telling God that I don't trust Him...I don't believe Him. And I am robbing myself of the peace and traquility that comes with trusting in His Holy will.

Father, thank you for your promises. Thank you for your love and forgiveness when my faith is weak. And thank you for your strength.
I pray that Your good and perfect will would be fulfilled in my life. I pray that, through the strength of your holy spirit, I would be filled with the kind of faith that moves mountains. I pray protection over my body, and blessing over the baby in my womb. I pray your favor over our entire family.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I declare that You are great and mighty. I declare your power and kingship over my life. I declare that I am blessed because you love me. You reign - Forever and ever - As creator of the universe, your will is always perfect. I praise you in all things. Amen!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Chinese lunch buffet

^My 33 week bumparoo^
My husband lovingly took the entire week of thanksgiving off of work for us to spend as a family. On our first day off together, we decided to eat lunch at a chinese buffet. Not just any old chinese buffet either; this one was playing uncensored Lil Wayne throughout our meal. Therefore - My dear husband spent the rest of the "vacation" taking care of Phoenix and I while I was bedridden with cramps, diarreah, and stabbing pains for 36 hours. Oh, the joys of growing a human. :-)

By thanksgiving day I was feeling better, so we ventured off to our dear friend's house and spent the day eating, playing games, and chatting. It was a great time and we have SO much to be thankful for!

Last night, as I was putting my little girl to bed - It hit me that she won't remember the past 2 years. She'll grow up never remembering life without her little brother/sister. That's so bittersweet for me...After 2 years of staying home with her, nursing for 17 months, travelling - moving - playing - She will never have any memories of being my "only baby". I so cherish these two years. I cherish the moments I've spent with her, the night-time nursing and co-sleeping, the special bond I've shared with my precious first child. And while she will never remember, I will never forget. I'll remember for her.

We're now 7 weeks away from baby's projected date of arrival. I am looking forward to spending these next 7 weeks with my girl. Of course I'm anxiously awaiting the moment I get to finally meet my newest babe - But for now, I'm content. I'm content with my perfect, bright-eyed, mommy's girl. And I'm cherishing every moment alone with her.

Monday, November 19, 2012

32 week checkup

Every doctors appointment leaves me feeling more encouraged, more at peace, and more thankful for where God has lead me for OBGYN care. I read so many horror stories online of women who are left with lack of support, lack of proper healthcare, and lack of confidence because of their unsupportive OBs...and I am so thankful to not be one of those women!
My doctor has been so wonderfully encouraging and I just know that God will place the right people in my labor and delivery experience. He is faithful!

Today I'm measuring right on, baby is head-down. CS Scar looks normal, heartbeat is great. Blood pressure was perfect and Im feeling so confident! He did talk about scheduling my c-section "just in case", but he is allowing me to put it off a bit and decide for myself when I'm comfortable to do it. Right now I'm not even thinking that far ahead, so I haven't set the date yet.

I also found out that I can birth in the birthing tub, if it's available when I go in.
I don't need continuous monitoring unless something seems wrong, but I will need a heplock, which is fine.

I can come in whenever I feel like it once labor has begun...They are really leaving it all up to me and allowing me to trust in my own body and decide for myself what my experience is like. It's such a blessing!

God just continues to prove Himself faithful in my life.
For now, I am just relaxing and enjoying pregnancy - Enjoying a week-long vacation with the hubby for Thanksgiving - And playing our new WiiU :-)
I'll continue praying daily, constantly, that God will bring healing, peace, comfort, and joy in my life - That His will would be accomplished through our family - That He would be glorified in my birthing experience.

I know that His plans for me are wonderful. <3

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Forgiveness and Healing

God is so good!! I am so thankful that He doesn't let me sit around my whole life in stagnant anger and pain - That He encourages me to face these things head on, even when they hurt. And I am so grateful that He doesn't allow me to do it in  my own weakness, but that He gives me His Holy Spirit to guide me in strength. He is so good.

Today I realized that I was underestimating God's healing power. I was asking Him to do something He already created my body to do: Give birth. He has reassured me time and time again that He will bring me through childbirth, and it's time to let go of my worry and just BELIEVE that.

But He does want to do more.

And so today I began a new "prayer circle" - And I can't wait to see what He's going to do with this one, as impossible as it seems - I know that My God is Able:
I'm asking Him to heal my uterus.

To bring complete restoration and healing to my body, mind, and soul.

And I know that He will have His way. I am so thankful for His good and perfect will.

Jeremiah 29:11
He wants more for me than I can even dare to imagine. He has better plans for my life than I could ever dream to ask Him for.

So full of grace.
So full of love.
Thank you Jesus!!! <3

Friday, November 16, 2012


Today is one of those days...

My head hurts,
I'm tired,
My tummy aches,
I have heartburn,
I'm emotional and hormonal,
I can't seem to get into a position that doesn't make me feel like my stomach is the size of a large watermelon...Probably because it is.

But I have to remember to count my blessings. Thank God I'm so uncomfortable ... I'm pregnant, praise the Lord! I prayed for so long for this little life, and I'm so thankful to be blessed with another perfect, healthy child. I can't wait to meet him/her...

I also can't wait for my back to stop killing me...


Wednesday, November 14, 2012


This week has been really exciting, because I'm beginning to see some ends tying together in my healing journey. God's spoken many words of comfort, wisdom, and strength into me recently that I am confident are preparing me for my childbirth experience. I am so thankful for His presence in all of this.

The word says "Even though I walk through the valley of death".

It doesn't say "You take me around the valley of death." "You carry me over the valley of death", etc. This world - The pain, the heartache - The valley of death - He allows us to walk through it...And while I can't tell you why, I can tell you this: You are not alone...

Psalms 23:4 "Even though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; Your rod and your staff, they comfort me."
Romans 8:31 "What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, then who can be against us?"
Romans 8:38 "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to seperate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

When I was being abused, when I was getting my c-section, when I was convinced that my marriage was over...Every single awful, painful time of my life when I thought that God had abandon me...He was there. He was there, hurting with me. He was there, reaching out to me, wanting so badly to comfort me. It took me years to accept that comfort. And the journey still isn't always easy. There is so much sin, so much doubt, so much pain that keeps us from accepting the full love of Jesus. But He died, and moreso, He rose again - So that we can receive His love, grace, mercy, and comfort. And He is right here, with us, reaching out.

Satan is a liar, he's an accuser, and he is wrong. He's telling you, like he's told me time & time again, that God has abandon you. He's convincing you that God doesn't exist (If he did, why would he "let" you feel all this pain?). He's telling you that you are worthless, that God just doesn't love you the way he loves others. Your sin is too great. Your doubt is too unforgivable.
Satan. Is. A. Liar.

Don't let him win your heart. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, we are all free...We are all loved and comforted by the rod and staff of The Lord, even though we walk through the valley of death. All we have to do is accept that, and tell satan to beat it! He is not welcome!

God is so loving and good, and I am so thankful for His peace and comfort. I can't always find the words to describe it, but I urge you - Give Him a chance. Once you get even a small taste of the love and grace of God, I promise you'll never regret it. Let Him in, let Him help. He is with you.

XOXO -Meghan.

Friday, November 9, 2012

July 10, 2010

July 10, 2010 was the most amazing, lifechanging, disappointing, painful, and wonderful day of my life so far. A little after midnight, I finally met my precious little girl that I'd waited not-so-patiently for. She was perfect, healthy, and beautiful. I held her 20 minutes after my surgery, and we breastfed immediately. I was happy with my experience, or so I told myself.

Months later, after we got past the initial pains and struggles of nursing, and established a nice little routine with our new family of three, I was able to reflect...and boy, is hindsight 20/20. I finally saw my own disappointment, my own pain, my own fear - Everything that I had supressed for so long, worried that admitting to being disappointed in my daughter's birth would mean I was a bad mom.

Obviously I was, and am forever grateful that she and I both came out of surgery healthy. Obviously I couldn't be more in love with her precious little face, and the wonderful little girl she has become. I'm not a bad mom. But I am disappointed in the experience we shared. I am disappointed that I allowed myself to become subject to the healthcare system, ultimately leading my daughter and I into an unnecessary c-section and robbing us of those first precious moments of her life...all because I was impatient and slightly uncomfortable.

Now, 9 weeks away from my Estimated Due Date with Baby #2, I am very much looking forward to experiencing childbirth the way that God meant for it to be. I am filled with anxiety, excitement, passion, and sometimes fear. I am confidently anticipating God moving in unimagineable ways through my VBAC experience.
But I am scared.
I can't help but play around with the many "what if's" in my mind.
What if I end up in the OR again?
What if I go overdue and fall into the pressure of an unnecessary c-section again?
What if I do actually NEED a c-section this time, will I be OK with that????

I don't know what the end of this pregnancy journey looks like yet, and that scares the bejeebies out of me.

Putting my faith on the line in this way is something I'm not used to. I always add a little obligatory "your will be done" to the end of my prayers, so that if God doesn't perform in the way I want Him to, then I can avoid feeling let down. But with this - it's different. I can't imagine natural birth NOT being His will for me. I can't imagine laying on the operating table again and NOT feeling let down by the Almighty Lord. And praying such a bold prayer as this is not something I am used to. But here I am, and I think it's right where He wants me.

This week has been so full of emotional ups-and-downs. Partly due to hormones, and partly due to God working in my heart - And I am thankful for both. I am thankful for the Sunday mornings when His Holy Spirit pulls at my heart, calling me to forgive my abuser (again) - When I thought I was 'over' it, when I thought I was 'past' that - He took me yet another step further and renewed my strength once again, in that Holy way that only He can. I am thankful for my hormonally tear-filled ride to work when a glance in the backseat filled me with an overwhelming sense of love for my daughter, moving me to tears. I am thankful for the nights when I'm laying in the dark silence of my daughter's bedroom, listening to her breathe steadily as she drifts off to sleep, and feel that tiny jolt within me, reminding me of this brand new life that will be soon added to our family. When these thoughts fill me with love, with fear, with joy, and with anxiety - I am thankful for each emotion, for each moment, and for each undeserved blessing.

I am also thankful that God has given me the courage to share my story. I am hopeful that sometime, somewhere, it will reach someone and offer an answer to a prayer - a feeling of support - and a little bit of understanding. If my story brings even one single person closer to Christ, then it was worth every ounce of pain.
God Bless.

Friday, November 2, 2012

November's here already?!?!

Ten weeks left to go! :o

We had our 30 week checkup today, everything looks fantastic. Measuring perfectly, sitting low, head down - Mommy's healthy, baby's healthy. HR 145. We are getting SO close to meeting this little one!!!

We had a great halloween with some family friends - Our 2 year old was Minnie Mouse, and her best friend was Mickey...It was adorable :-) The baby was a 'pumpkin'...I kept the paint on just long enough for some pictures, and then decided it wasn't worth getting paint all over everything to walk around like that all night. Haha.

Still feeling very at peace emotionally and mentally. God is so good. It is amazing for me to look back at my 'story' so far, realizing all of the amazing ways that He carried me through the hard times, gave me strength and courage, and blessed me abundantly when I didn't deserve it. I am so thankful.

My husband is becoming more and more supportive and loving the closer we get to 'birth day', which is yet another thing I have to be thankful for. Although we STILL cannot agree on names!!! I know that we will decide by the time the baby's here, but I can't help but be worried. What if days, or weeks, go by that we have a baby and no name for him/her?!?! :o Poor nameless baby...

Anyhoo - I plan on working two days a week (waiting tables) through the holidays - It's a nice way to get some exercise, adult interaction, and uhm...yummy food... :-) OK I admit, I probably do it mostly for the food.
It will also help the time go by (Not that I Really need it to go by any faster than it is).

I hope that 30 weeks finds all of my readers happy & healthy as well!!! God bless <3

Friday, October 12, 2012

Only 13 weeks left!!! :o

I can't believe I'm already entering my SEVENTH month of pregnancy! Wowza! Coming soon: Maternity pictures, Baby shower, Setting up baby's stuff (We need to buy a nice dresser for him/her), and Finalizing birth plan. It's gonna fly by!! In between all of this we also have Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, and I'm working 1-2 days a week too. I'm nervous, excited, anxious, and at peace all at once.

This week we started a new small group series at church. We are reading The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson and even though I've only read 3 chapters, it's already been such a blessing. It focuses on the importance of specific and fervent prayer. I'm applying it to my VBAC and realizing how connected my prayer life is supposed to be to childbirth. Without His strength, I can't do it. I'm so excited to see how He's going to move in my experience. I want to feel His spirit in a way I never have before, and never will again. I want to see His face in the midst of my pain and struggle - I want to break to the point of leaning on Him alone. I can't wait!!!

At week 27, I am feeling great. After a few weeks of the baby lying awkwardly in my hips (making it really hard to sleep) he/she has finally moved into a much more comfortable position...although I still can't figure out if the head is down or not. This week the baby weighs almost 2 lbs and is the size of a head of cauliflower. If he/she decided to make an appearance this week, there is a high likelihood of survival. While that's comforting to know, let's keep our prayers focused on keeping this baby in for about 13 more weeks :)

Last night we started (again) sleep training our 2 year old. She did pretty well, only 45 minutes of fighting it. She was asleep before midnight, but came wandering in to sleep in mom & dad's bed around 4:30am. This has become a really bad habit, but I don't have the energy to get up at that hour and correct it, so we just give in. Hopefully tonight will be different. Wish us luck! Next task: Potty training...Uh oh!!!

"The more faith you have, the more specific your prayers will be. And the more specific your prayers are, the more glory God receives."-The Circle Maker
Lord, I pray for a successful VBAC. For an intervention-free, medication-free childbirth experience. I pray for your strength, wisdom, and peace during the toughest parts. I pray for your support when I get weak. I pray that I will experience you in a way that will change my life forever. I pray that there will be healing and grace found within the pain and joy of labor and delivery, and that I will find myself closer to you than ever before. Thank you in advance for your provision, may you be glorified in my life. Amen.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

September Adventures

This month was filled with lots of fun and excitement, and we are looking forward to what October has in store as well. This pregnancy is flying by, and I've been really putting effort into spending quality time with my precious little girl before the baby arrives. We went to visit family in Detroit last week, which was an absolute blast. We left daddy behind for our 'girls only' trip, and it was a perfect vacation for both of us. While I am, of course, anxiously waiting for January - I am also enjoying this precious time of creating memories for our dearly loved 'first child'.

While in Detroit, we did have a scare with a couple hours' worth of contractions - which ended up being a little mix of dehydration, exhaustion, and (TMI) constipation. I was glad to figure out the problem before heading to a hospital...That's a sure-fire way to ruin a vacation!

I've settled back into a pretty comfortable acceptance of my decision for a VBAC. I am confident in my body, and also very grateful for my OB's support. I know that I am making the best decision for my family, while also recognizing that there are risks associated with that decision, and that I will need to be very in tune with my body and trusting of my doctor when the time comes. I also need to accept that, no matter what my birth ends up looking like, it will be exactly what it needs to be to fulfill God's Will in my life. I trust Him in all things.

25 Weeks:*Only 15 weeks left to go! (remember how fast the first 15 went?!? Wow!)
*Baby is about 1.5 lbs, and the size of a rutabaga.
I'm feeling great, as long as I take care of myself and drink lots of water.
Baby is moving lots, and we are able to feel & see the movement from the outside now, which is super exciting.
Hopefully baby will 'flip' soon - I can't help but be worried about the baby being breech! Once the baby's flipped, I'll be able to settle down my nerves.

Love and Prayers! <3 XO.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

23 weeks / Ultrasound!

Our little bean is growing healthy and strong, Praise God!

Isn't he/she adorable? (and fat?!) Hehehe :-) We can't wait to kiss all over those little cheekies!!! Nom, nom, nom...

Doctor's appt went well, pregnancy looking great all-around, and we couldn't be happier!

We spent yesterday at Plimouth Plantation, exploring an old pilgrim village, Native American homesite, and letting our adventurous little 2 year old run all around to play in dirt and stuff...It was a good time for all. Looking ahead at the next 4 months, we will be a pretty busy family. Between playdates, mom's groups, work, holidays, and trying to keep a fairly scheduled family homelife...Baby will be here before we know it!!!

It is my prayer that this week's post finds all of my unknown readers far & wide across the expansive internetz healthy & happy as well :-)
God bless!


Friday, September 7, 2012

18 weeks to go!

I am very aware of the fact that my 'due date' is simply an estimated time of arrival and am very prepared to have 20 weeks to go before the baby actually comes. :-)

SOoOoOo... 22 weeks in, and I recently started feeling overwhelmingly scared for my VBAC. (Even to the point of considering an RCS--repeat c-section!) It's been a very sudden worry, and while I'm entirely sure it's natural and normal, it still sucks!! :'(
However, I've used this newfound fear to encourage me to go in search of some statistical, factual information about the risks of VBAC vs RCS. I thought I'd share some of the info I found with anyone who might be reading my blog:

**Special shout-out to my fellow moms on's VBAC support group board that gave me these links and have been especially supportive and informative throughout the past 22 weeks!!! Thanks ladies!!!**

After reading some (I haven't finished reading it all) of this information, I've begun to feel - once again - at peace with my desire for a VBAC. I think that, in the end, a TOL (trial of labor) is the best choice for this baby and I. However, I do think this is a wake up call for me to become more open-minded and realistic about the facts: There ARE risks, no matter what decision I make (VBAC or RCS). What I choose might Not work out the way I think it will, or want it to. I might end up in the OR after 30 hours of labor again. I need to be prepared for these kinds of things, while holding on to the hope and faith that God will bring me through this birth however He sees fit!

I know it's gonna be a long, hard road - as all of life is - But today I am giving thanks to God for the wisdom and strength that He is giving me through these everyday trials and decisions that I'm having to make. He is good and faithful, and I trust in Him alone.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Survivors Giving Birth

There is also a book I'd like to read about this.

I'm so excited to be finding these resources!!! I know that God has such a wonderful plan in my healing process!

Last night I came to the realization that I always referred to myself as a 'victim' of child sexual abuse. When I realized that these women on support groups/blogs were using the word "survivor" it made me uncomfortable. I said to my husband "It makes it sound like a terminal illness"...and he looked at me softly and responded, "It kind of is."

He's right. It is. I'll never outgrow this, the story will never go away - But it doesn't have to kill me. There is healing to be found. So many women/children don't survive. I am so thankful for my life. For the gift of healing. For my testimony that will someday help others who are struggling to survive.

I am no longer a victim. I am a survivor.

<3 "But women will be saved through childbearing - if they continue in faith, love, and holiness with propriety".

Saturday, August 25, 2012

20 weeks

Well, I'm halfway there! From here on, I'll be counting down backwards (19 wks to go, 18 wks to go, etc)! Baby is moving CONSTANTLY and I'm LOVING it! We went for an ultrasound last week and had to reschedule it because the baby wouldn't sit still long enough to get any shots or measurements, haha! I hope he/she settles down a wee bit before venturing out into the world :-p

Life has been SO fantastic since last Sunday's revelation! God is so wonderful and I'm beyond thankful for my relationship with Him. It has brought such a sense of comfort and security in our family...Hallelu Yah! :-)
There are times of struggle and DEFINITELY some times of attack from the enemy, but in Jesus' name I've been able to find the strength to stand against it. I only pray that I continue to grow in Him and fight satan in his evil schemes.

In pregnancy-related news:
I am feeling pretty good, tired all of the time still but nothing I can't handle.
Baby can be seen and felt moving at least once a day, which is so cute and reassuring.
No strange cravings or food adversions anymore.
Baby is the length of a banana and weighs about 10.5 ounces.

I am thinking it's a boy, but we'll see in a few short months :-)
My 2 year old LOVES to 'kiss the baby', and I'm getting very anxious to see how she reacts to big-sisterhood! I think she will do great!

I continue to do stretches and exercises to prepare my body for my VBAC, and have been looking into childbirth classes. I'm very excited to see how this journey ends - I know God has great things in store for me and my family!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

It Is Finished!

It happened..In God's time, not mine! I received "faith to walk on ocean's deep"...A revelation that It has already been Finished for me! There is nothing left for me to do in order to receive healing, or faith, or happiness...because Jesus already did it all on the cross! All I had to do was accept it!

We make things so much more difficult than they need to be, don't we? Us humans just think we are so complicated...when in reality, we are quite simple - in comparison to the great vastness of GOD, we are tiny! And He has made available to us all forgiveness and grace! Hallelujah!! <3

I am so grateful for God' presence in my life...and even more thankful for the price He paid for me on Calvary! I know that hardships will come, that satan will fight my faith, test it and try it, and that I will have hard times in this life. But I will always have God - who is the same today, yesterday, and forever - to return to. He is so good and faithful! And if I approach childbirth with this type of faith - this type of trust - then I know He will not fail me. No matter the outcome of my VBAC experience, I know that ALL things come together for the GOOD of those who Love Him!

Friday, August 17, 2012

19 Weeks!

As I am quickly approaching the halfway mark of this pregnancy, I've been focusing more and more on preparing myself - mind, spirit, and body - for this VBAC.
I've ultimately decided that the most important part of childbirth is trusting God. Through scripture, prayer, and fellowship with other Christian moms, I know I can eventually find a place of peace, comfort, and tranquility in childbirth that will make a VBAC possible.
I also know that there is a responsibility on my part, to take care of myself and my body, and prepare my mind. Today while meditating on this knowledge, I came to an awesome revelation about my childbirth experience! Praise God!

With a past of sexual abuse, which led to a careless sex life later on, I have a very unhealthy relationship with sex and my body. Until today, it never even occured to me that childbirth itself is a very sexual experience!

In order to prepare myself for January - I need to first focus on my sexual relationship with myself, God, and my husband. Once I can find a place of understanding regarding what God created us to do and be in marriage/childbearing, then I will be able to finally let him have complete control over my birth experience!

I will be spending lots of time looking up scripture on this, and I will try to remember to update this blog with what I find. I know that in the future, I will look back on this as an important part of my testimony and my walk with God.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

17 weeks

The past couple of weeks have been joyfully eventful in the C household. We had my sister and her two boys in town for a bit, and filled their time here with all kinds of fun stuff: whale watching, sightseeing, Canobie Lake Park, Dave & Busters...It was definitely a fun-filled week!
I also have begun to feel regular movements in my rapidly growing belly, which is a welcomed reassurance every evening as I lay down for bed that all is well inside there. :-) My husband was even able to feel the baby move for the first time this week!!! We've got a very active little bean growin in there.

A friend of mine gave birth to her first, a girl, this week as well. She had a beautiful, quick, unmedicated hospital birth experience at the same hospital i had a my Csection at, which is also the hospital Im planning my VBAC at. I am SO proud of her and happy for her, and also encouraged by her birth story that the ideal birth IS possible, even in the hospital (a hospital with a nearly 50% Csection rate, nonetheless!)! To admit that I'm a tad bit jealous would be a severe understatement, BUT I know that those are only emotions of the enemy, and I won't allow them to control me!

This entire past two weeks have been enjoyable, exciting, and just a plain out blessing for so many people in my life. It's been a nice reminder that God is gracious, and that He is in control - That His plan for our lives is perfect and loving. I am so grateful to be His Child!

1Timothy2:15 <3 Only a little more than 4 months left to go! :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Week 15



When I was pregnant with my daughter, I didn't really take the time to document or truly enjoy the pregnancy. I sort of felt like I was gonna be pregnant forEVER, so I didn't see the point. Now, two years later, I know that is DOESN'T last forever - And I'm taking the time to enjoy this pregnancy more thoroughly.

My husband and I found out on April 29th 2012 that we were expecting this little bean, due mid-January 2013! He had returned home from a short-term mission trip in Haiti to two little positive tests. We are so ecstatic and thankful for God's blessing!

I have chosen 1 Timothy 2:15 as my pregnancy/childbirth scripture - "But woman shall be saved through childbearing - if they continue in faith, love, and holiness with propriety."

I am planning for a natural, unmedicated VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). Maybe one of these days I'll take the time to post my daughter's birth story. :-)

I've attached a recent picture of my little belly. I'm feeling pretty good these days - Tired, but nothing that wasn't expected. I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time today - Ultrasound in four weeks. <3