One month from this weekend is my due date with baby #3. I can hardly believe it!
I just took some time reading through my old blog entries - remembering my pregnancy with Jonah, reflecting on my VBAC journey, and praising God for the fears and trials that He helped me overcome. He is so faithful and good!
This birth is particularly exciting for me. Working with the midwives at BID Plymouth has been a joy. They are all so positive and encouraging, and even meeting with the head MD this week for my TOLAC clearance was an enjoyable experience. I have the upmost confidence in my birthing team this time around and am absolutely at peace with this birth experience. I know that I know that if anything goes wrong, if any interventions take place, they will be necessary. I don't have to walk into the hospital fearful of being taken advantage of or lied to. It's such a beautiful feeling! I am so thankful.
I have had three people close to me have babies this month, which has helped increase my excitement about having this baby :-) I feel simultaneously "READY to GETTHISBABYOUTOFME", and content with enjoying this final month with Phoenix and Jonah.
It's a sweet spot of the in-between, that I have come to be very comfortable with and thankful for.
I feel pretty good for almost 36 wks pregnant. I have heartburn almost all the time, my back/hips hurt, and I cant sleep anymore - but I praise God that I'm carrying a healthy baby to term and am enjoying it as much as humanly possible (while still very much looking forward to being able to sleep on my stomach again...)
Phoenix started Kindergarten last week and LOVES school. She is enjoying Daisies at church, and Jonah will begin Rainbows in January. I can hardly believe how quickly my babies are growing up and I know that in a very short amount of time I will be feeling the same way about this little one.
This year has been full of amazing blessings and growth. God has been so good to us and we give Him all of the Glory. We are looking forward to our family's future with anticipation and excitement, but also thoroughly enjoying this time in our lives. We are so blessed ... God never seizes to amaze me!