Thursday, May 21, 2015

17 weeks!

I've been doing a horrible job at keeping up with my pregnancy :-) 

Can't believe I'm already 17 weeks!
Feeling the baby move lots for the past week or so (this ones a groover!). Found midwives that I LOVE at Beth Isreal Plymouth Hospital (formarly Jordan Hospital), and really enjoying pregnancy this time around. Knowing how fast it really does fly by is helping me enjoy each moment. 
After struggling with some acne and nausea at the beginning of pregnancy , I'm feeling really great these days with just minor aches , shortness of breath , and uncomfortable sleeping positions :-) 

Had one ultrasound at 13 wks and everything was looking good ... Not planning on having another one! 

Phoenix and Jonah both hug and kiss the "baby" all the time. I think Jonah is really going to enjoy being a big brother. 

We announced on Facebook on Easter Sunday : 

Here's to my unmedicated dream birth!